Farewell and Godspeed for Clergy

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Your ministry among us

has embodied a [personal descriptions] spirit.

Today we give thanks for the ways

you have honored your ordination vows

and blessed so many people in this congregation:

preaching the gospel,

administering the sacraments,

forgiving sins,

keeping confidence,

affirming questions,

inviting prayer,

holding boundaries,

blessing the chaos,

and helping others experience

safety, challenge, and love in the body of Christ.

We are glad for the relationships

you have built in this community;

your faithful leadership

in our joys, sorrow, and growth;

and the deep spiritual connections you have

to members of this congregation and their families.

But today your role in their lives is changed.

You are no longer their [pastor/deacon],

which means you must decline the invitation

to presume their pastoral care or officiate their

baptisms, confirmations, weddings, and funerals.

This custom will allow them to build trust, grow,

and grieve with their next [pastor/deacon].

Do you promise to honor this boundary for the sake of

the health of this congregation and its leadership?

I do.

Do you receive our grace and release for anything

that feels unfinished in your ministry here?

I do.

Do you trust our gratitude as you move forward

into a new chapter of life and ministry elsewhere?

I do.

Gracious God, bless your servant [name].

Surround them with our gratitude and love

in this season of change, that they would sense

your presence and delight in their daily life.

Thank you for giving [name] to us to know

as a sibling in Christ, a steward of your mysteries

and a worker for peace. We release them from their call

to [role at congregation], trusting that you will continue

to use [name] to bless the church and the world through Jesus,

who is transformed and transforms us. Amen.

Creating God, who makes all things new,

prepare your heart and mind for new beginnings.

Jesus the Christ, whose story makes us whole,

knit your love for this call into the fullness of who you are.

Spirit of Mystery, who comes beside us with power,

guide your discernment and delight

from this day on and forevermore. Amen.

LiturgyMeta Carlson